Real Estate Investing Tips

Real Estate Investing Tips – DROP CEILINGS CAN DATE A HOME

By May 13, 2017March 4th, 2019No Comments
Real Estate Investing Tips – DROP CEILINGS – In Real Estate Investing there are property features that may be okay for a rental property but should be changed for a Buy, Fix and Flip. A drop ceiling is one of those features. For a buy, fix and flip, this kitchen ceiling should be changed to a smooth sheet rock with recessed lighting if possible for a cleaner more modern look. If you want top dollar for your flip, you have to put in the time and money to get the most money back out of it!  It is what you don’t know in real estate that costs you money.  This school of hard knocks knowledge will teach you lessons and can cost you money!  Make sure you learn before you try to earn!  Live life in the moment with no regrets!  Believe and Achieve! – Joe Jurek
Joe Jurek

About Joe Jurek

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